A general fine leaved amenity grass seed mixture that is easy to germinate, with rapid establishment and growth (fastest growing amenity mixture). Ideal for new areas, over seeding and patching worn out areas, provides great recovery after large amounts of wear. Very popular for landscapers, domestic lawns, utility companies, builders, caravan parks and local authorities.
HM.4 General Amenity / Heavy Duty Grass Seed Mix
50% Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass
50% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Why Buy this product?
HM.4 is a general fine leaved amenity grass seed mixture
Easy to germinate, with rapid establishment and growth (fastest growing amenity mixture)
Ideal for new areas, over seeding and patching worn out areas
Great recovery after large amounts of wear
Very popular for landscapers, domestic lawns, utility companies, builders, caravan parks and local authorities for use in their public areas such as parks, lawns, verges, playing fields, event/ show grounds etc.
It can also produce a good quality lawn, for an economical price
Requires a fine, firm seedbed and soil temperatures of 10+ degrees for germination
Optimum pH is 5-7
Grows in a wide range of soils
Seed is Defra approved and to the highest purity, germination and quality (HVS were possible)
Use our lawn seed growing guide for best results and grass seed calculator for sowing rates
- Area of Use:
- Lawns