A list of our Frequently Asked Questions including Shipping, Fertilisers and Grass Seed.

We also now have a dedicated page to answer any of your Turf Points questions.

We are always happy to help if our FAQ’s don’t answer your questions, and you can contact us here.

Use the buttons below for quick navigation of the FAQ's.

faq-g-shipping-navigation-button-03.png faq-g-fertiliser-navigation-button-04.png faq-g-grass-seed-navigation-button-05.png FAQ Turf Points Navigation Button 

faq-q-icons.png When will I know my product has been shipped?

  faq-a-icons.png You will receive an email with tracking details once your products have been dispatched.

faq-q-icons.png How do I contact you?

  faq-a-icons.png Please use the LiveChat function at the bottom right-hand side of the webpage.

faq-q-icons.png How do I know if the product is pre order only?

  faq-a-icons.png All pre-order products have a large red image stating the pre-order status and the estimated date the stock is due in. The estimated date can change in line with manufacturing timescales.

faq-q-icons.png I cannot add a product or multiples of products to my basket?

  faq-a-icons.png If you are unable to add a product or multiples of a product, that will mean it is out of stock or there is not enough stock to fulfil your request. Try adding less of the product or please contact us on our LiveChat function to discuss further.

faq-q-icons.png How much is shipping?

  faq-a-icons.png If your enquiry is regarding shipping charges, please add the products required to your basket and select estimate shipping whereby you can obtain shipping costs by providing your Post Code.

faq-q-icons.png Do you offer next day shipping?

  faq-a-icons.png Next Day shipping is available for orders placed prior to 12 noon to allow goods to be shipped the same day.

faq-q-icons.png What does ‘9-7-7’ mean? What Does ‘N-P-K’ mean?

  faq-a-icons.png On all bags of fertiliser - regardless of brand - the bag will always display an analysis. These analyses will vary on the grass plants requirements and also what time of the year the fertiliser will be used. The analysis is displayed by 3 numbers - these are called ‘major’ or ‘essential nutrients’ so, as an example, Sportsmaster Spring & Summer 9-7-7 contains:

9 – Nitrogen (N), which gives energy to the plant for growth. It is also part of the chlorophyll molecule which gives the grass it’s colour (‘green up’), and also is part of the process in creating food for photosynthesis.

7 – Phosphate (P), which stimulates root growth and helps with plant vigour especially in young growth. Phosphate is essential when over-seeding and renovating.

7 – Potassium (K), which assists the plant to build thicker cell walls. This helps make the plant less susceptible to disease and weather stresses such as cold and drought.

faq-q-icons.png How do I know if the product is pre order only?

  faq-a-icons.png All pre-order products have a large red image stating the pre-order status and the estimated date the stock is due in. The estimated date can change in line with manufacturing timescales.

faq-q-icons.png How much nitrogen is in 9-7-7?

  faq-a-icons.png The three numbers on the bag are percentages of the bag’s major nutrient content. So, in a 25kg bag, 9% is N (Nitrogen), therefore 2.25kg. P (Phospate) and K (Potassium) are both 7%, so 1.75kg each.

faq-q-icons.png What does ‘MgO’ mean? What does it do?

  faq-a-icons.png‘ MgO’ is Magnesium Oxide and promotes plant health and early growth. It is also essential in the plant’s ability to metabolise nitrogen as well as chlorophyll synthesis, and helps turf utilise iron and Phosphate. Essentially, MgO helps with plant colour.

faq-q-icons.png What does ‘CaO’ mean? What does it do?

  faq-a-icons.png ‘CaO’ is Calcium Oxide and helps in plant cell division as well as cell wall formation. A good healthy cell wall helps in preventing disease, and also aids in the uptake and movement of other nutrients through the plant. It is very useful in summer, encouraging good respiration which aids with relieving heat stress.

faq-q-icons.png What does ‘Fe’ mean? What does it do?

  faq-a-icons.png ‘Fe’ is iron, which is essential in Chlorophyll production and so helps with plant colour. Iron is also a good element for combatting disease and so can be used as a first treatment for some fungal diseases.

faq-q-icons.png Can my children/pets walk on the grass after I fertilise the lawn?

  faq-a-icons.png We recommend that after the lawn is fertilised that no one (including pets) walks on or uses it for at least 24 hours – ideally 72 hours – ensuring all granules have fully dispersed into the soil visually. Watering fertiliser in, or applying before rainfall, will help speed this process up.

faq-q-icons.png How long before the fertiliser starts to take effect?

  faq-a-icons.png This will depend on which particular analysis of fertiliser you are using. This information will be on the product page, but in general you should expect to see some effects within a week of application.

faq-q-icons.png Do you sell ‘Scotts’ fertiliser?

  faq-a-icons.png The brand Scotts changed its name to ICL a number of years ago. We offer a wide range of ICL products on our site.

faq-q-icons.png What is the correct spreader setting for my Evergreen/Scotts/Earthway spreader?

  faq-a-icons.png All ICL fertilisers comes with full information for application rates as well as recommended ICL spreader settings. Settings for Evergreen, Earthway and other spreaders will be in the instruction booklet or can be found online.

faq-q-icons.png How long does fertiliser last?

  faq-a-icons.png Standard or conventional granular fertilisers generally last for 6-8 weeks, whilst slow or controlled release fertilisers last anywhere from 2-9 months (depending on analysis). This information is on the product pages.

faq-q-icons.png Do I need to water the grass after I apply the fertiliser?

  faq-a-icons.png For fertiliser, we advise to follow any guidance on the product bags directly.

faq-q-icons.png Do you have a fertiliser that is ok to use on my borders as well as on my lawn?

  faq-a-icons.png ICL Landscaper Pro Universtar Balance 15-5-15 is perfect for this.

faq-q-icons.png How much fertiliser do I need?

  faq-a-icons.png This is dependent on the area to be treated and the application rate. We’ve added helpful calculators on all fertiliser and grass seed product pages to let you know how much you’ll need.

faq-q-icons.png Should I aerate before applying fertiliser?

  faq-a-icons.png It’s not necessary to aerate before fertilising.

faq-q-icons.png What is the best annual lawn maintenance programme to follow?

  faq-a-icons.png The Landscaper Pro website contains some really useful information and programmes to follow for your lawn.

faq-q-icons.png Can I cut my grass before/after I fertilise?

We would recommend the lawn is cut before applying and left for a week before applying fertiliser.

faq-q-icons.png I have moss/weeds in my lawn, what is the best product to use to get rid of them?

  faq-a-icons.png Landscaper Pro Triple Action 14-0-5 is ideal for lawns, whilst Sportsmaster Renovator Pro is perfect for professional users only.

faq-q-icons.png Can I apply weed killer at the same time as fertiliser?

  faq-a-icons.png You can just use a product like Landscaper Pro Triple Action 14-0-5 with does both jobs. If using liquid fertiliser then it is important to check the manufacturer’s tank mix recommendations first.

faq-q-icons.png Will fertiliser damage my paving slabs?

  faq-a-icons.png Any analysis with iron (Fe) may stain paving slabs, so we would suggest either covering slabs or sweeping off quickly after spreading.

faq-q-icons.png What spreader is best?

  faq-a-icons.png This is mainly budget dependent, but the ICL SR-2000 and AccuPro 2000 are superb and used at professional level.

faq-q-icons.png What PPE do I need when applying fertiliser or weed killer?

  faq-a-icons.png Always check manufacturers guidelines but a minimum of gloves and boots for fertilisers, and rubber wellington boots, neoprene gloves and eye protection for weed killers.

faq-q-icons.png Can I apply fertiliser and seed at the same time?

  faq-a-icons.png We wouldn’t recommend applying both fertiliser and seed in one application. However, you can seed then fertilise or vice versa, providing you allow a gap between each. When seeding and fertilising close together, ensure you use an appropriate fertiliser, for example a pre-seed fertiliser.

faq-q-icons.png I’m thinking of buying grass seed, what is the best fertiliser to help it grow?

  faq-a-icons.png If you want to apply seed and fertiliser close together, then we would recommend using Sportsmaster Pre-Seeder 8-12-8.

faq-q-icons.png Can I use my spreader to apply seed?

  faq-a-icons.png Most spreaders can be used to apply either seed or fertiliser, yes. Make sure the spreader is thoroughly clean and dry, and the settings are adjusted for the seeds.

faq-q-icons.png How do I over-seed?

  faq-a-icons.png Generally speaking, the process you should follow is as below:

  1. Cut the grass
  2. Scarify or rake out
  3. Aerate if possible, with machine or garden fork
  4. Spread seed at recommended rate
  5. Apply top dressing
  6. Apply a suitable pre-seed fertiliser

faq-q-icons.png How much topsoil do I need for my overseed?

  faq-a-icons.png Generally, you will need 2-3mm of top dressing over the area.

faq-q-icons.png Do I need to water the grass after I apply the seed?

  faq-a-icons.png Grass seed will need to be watered regularly to make sure it germinates and then the seedlings are kept alive.

faq-q-icons.png Should I aerate before applying seed?

  faq-a-icons.png Aerating before seeding is always preferable as it helps create the seedbed for the seed.

faq-q-icons.png Can I apply Landscaper Pro Triple action 14-0-5 (Weed, Feed and Moss Killer) and seed at the same time?

  faq-a-icons.png No, as the iron in the product will damage seedlings.

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